On Premise

| Equipment for hybrid events

Hybrid events live at any location

Small events on a large scale - reach your audience worldwide with Hybrid Events, directly from your venue. We support you with the planning and take care of the realisation with cutting-edge technology.

Nahaufnahme eines Kontrollraummonitors, auf dem Kamera-Feeds, Programmfolien und Live-Streaming-Indikatoren angezeigt werden. Unter dem Monitor befindet sich ein Bedienfeld mit beschrifteten Tasten, von denen einige beleuchtet sind.
In einer Kirche findet eine Konferenz statt. Die Teilnehmer sitzen vor einer Bühne mit einem Präsentationsbildschirm. Auf einem Tisch im Vordergrund ist ein Laptop zu sehen, auf dem ein Sprecher abgebildet ist. Dies unterstreicht den Aufbau eines Hybrid Events, zu der auch Live-Streaming für Remote-Teilnehmer gehört.

Extend with hybrid events

On Premise live streaming services

Enlarge your audience on demand. Whether from the office, the meeting room or the event hall - we take care of the realisation of your hybrid event and impress with innovative extras as well as the highest quality.

We're streaming workshopspress conferences and board meetings. But also concerts, theatre productions and shows are skilfully staged. We support all common video services and even provide our own streaming platform with

Full service included:

Save your precious time

Our services include the complete organisation and implementation of your live stream - from on-site recording to setting up the streaming services. Many of our packages also include high-quality equipment for sound, lighting and AV technology.

Limitless creativity

Streaming to all video services

Impress with your professionally produced live stream on all popular video services such as Facebook, YouTube, Twitch and Vimeo.

Interact with your viewers or bring speakers into your event conveniently via a live link. We support the integration of many meeting tools such as Zoom, Google Meet, Webex and Microsoft Teams. 

Extensive lighting and sound equipment

Of course we also take care of the PA system, lighting and AV equipment. You need an additional projector screen or a presentation computer with PowerPoint? We are happy to provide you with innovative equipment - such as an ultra-short distance projector, which transforms a white wall into a 160-inch screen with only a distance of 1.6 feet to the projection surface.
Ein Mann steht auf einer Bühne und spricht zu einem großen Publikum in einem dunklen Auditorium, in dem auf mehreren Bildschirmen Präsentationsfolien angezeigt werden. Durch das Live-Streaming dieses Hybrid Events bietet er sowohl den Teilnehmern vor Ort als auch den Teilnehmern an den entfernten Standorten ein spannendes Erlebnis.
Eine Videokamera nimmt eine Person auf, die in einem Studio vor einem Greenscreen steht und die Bühne für das Live-Streaming bereitet. Das Display der Kamera zeigt eine Nahaufnahme der Person und fängt jedes Detail für Veranstaltungen wie Hybrid-Events ein.
Ein Laptop-Bildschirm mit einer Wiedergabetaste, umgeben von fliegenden Goldmünzen, perfekt für Ticketverkauf bei Live-Streaming und Hybrid-Events.

Individual branding

The integration of Company logos, banners, adverts or other content is a matter of course for us - but also large, virtual studios and sets can be realised thanks to green screen chromakeying.

Make your stream profitable

Thanks to our ticketing system, we offer you the full range of the pay-per-view experience. From single ticket sales for live streams to on-demand videos with variable ticket options and automatic activation via our ordering system - your viewers benefit from a simple payment system that supports PayPal, direct debit and credit cards.


You're ready for unforgettable hybrid events

Icon: Bildschirm mit Wiedergabepfeil

Streaming on all platforms

e.g. Facebook, YouTube, Twitch, Vimeo and many more.

Icon: Synchronklappe / Filmklappe

Innovative camera systems

including HDR cameras, wireless steadycams, AI tracking camera

Icon: Lautsprecher

AV equipment

Projectors, microphones, lighting and sound system

A hybrid event is the combination of an on-site event with an online experience.
While there is only room for a certain number of guests at a traditional local event, there are endless possibilities online. This means that viewers from all over the world can follow the event or even participate interactively, but even larger discussion groups are no longer a novelty. In addition, a remote link to speakers is an excellent solution for reacting to unforeseen events at last minute, such as cancellations due to illness.


      • No travelling costs
      • Guests can decide whether they want to participate locally or online
      • Increased profitability of your event due to greater reach
      • Added value through utilisation of the recording (e.g. on social media)

Hybrid events have become very popular since the global pandemic and even after that, they are an excellent solution for reaching more people at short notice and at low cost and convincing them with innovations.

Yes, because we rely on our own redundant network. With connections to all major network operators we are able to draw on the full potential. We even offer an optional WiFi hotspot for your guests on site.

A stand-alone solution can at best be described as a video conference. To understand what constitutes a hybrid event, let's look at the 3 main components.

Awakening interest:

Together with interactive tools, creative cuts and viewing angles, we generate interest and increase attention. Your viewers feel entertained and involved at all times.

Audio and video 

While the image quality of many (even modern) communication solutions is barely adequate, we film with professional equipment. The result is on a par with a TV production.

Conventional solutions often rely on aggressive noise cancellation. This makes speech sound unnatural. We work with high-quality microphones, and we mix the sound. Your viewers experience high-quality Hi-Fi audio and the finest nuances via the stream without any background noise.


Even a simple laptop with Zoom, for example, can cause problems. Reduced performance due to battery operation or an overloaded Wi-Fi network can very quickly become a ‘showstopper’. Things you don't have to worry about with us.

The recording of the programme is part of our service and is free of charge for you. 

Yes, we are happy to deliver high-quality audio / video for your existing system.
We support all common platforms such as, Microsoft Teams, Cisco Webex or RTMP(s) as standard.  

Hybrid event packages In comparison

Find the right package for your livestream


799 €

  • 1 x HDR camera
  • Audio mixing console
  • Video mixing console
  • 2 x headset, handheld or lapel microphone
  • HDMI-IN for e.g. laptop
  • Redundant Internet connection


2200 €

  • 2 X HDR camera
  • AI auto-tracking camera
  • Audio mixing console
  • Video mixing console
  • 4 x headset, handheld or lapel microphone
  • HDMI-IN for e.g. laptop
  • Redundant Internet connection
  • Lighting set (small venues)
  • PA system for approx. 50 PAX


4400 €

  • 2 X HDR camera
  • AI auto tracking camera
  • Audio mixing console
  • Video mixing console
  • 6 x headset, handheld or lapel microphone
  • HDMI-IN for e.g. laptop
  • Redundant Internet connection
  • Lighting set according to local conditions
  • Sound system up to 200 PAX


Like VENUE-M, but can be customised according to your requirements, e.g:

  • Customised streaming platform
  • Up to 8 cameras
  • With green screen chromakeying
  • and many more.
799 € 2200 € 4400 € RFQ
HDR camera 1 2 3 up to 8
AI auto tracking camera
AV mixing console
Headset, handheld or lapel microphone 2 4 6
HDMI-IN for e.g. laptop
Redundant Internet connection
Remote caller integration
Local PA system
Lighting set (small rooms) according to local conditions
Custom streaming platform, green screen and much more.

Streaming platform | The streaming platform for the highest level of privacy

Innovative streaming concepts start with the right platform. Impress with a customisable website with real-time streaming, participant management and Q&A tool.

Our servers and services are hosted entirely in Germany and are managed exclusively by us. Worries about differing data protection regulations for cloud services are a thing of the past.

Partner Locations

Hybrid events are unforgettable there

We work as a well-organised team with our exclusive partner event locations in Munich and Mannheim. Whether presentations, concerts or live streams: Put yourself in the confidence of the local event professionals when it comes to planning and catering, we take care of the technical organisation and implementation of your event.

Der Saal des Oberangertheaters in München mit runden Tischen und in Reihen angeordneten Stühlen, blauer und violetter Beleuchtung und einer Bühne mit drei Mikrofonen – perfekt für Hybrid-Events oder das Live-Streaming Ihrer nächsten Veranstaltung.
Refektoriums-Gewölbekeller auf der Klosterruine Limburg, eingedeckt für ein Bankett im Rahmen einer Hybridveranstaltung mit runden Tischen mit weißen Tischdecken und Korbstühlen. Violettes und warmes Licht sorgt für eine festliche Atmosphäre mit Live-Streaming-Möglichkeiten und einer Discokugel an der Decke, die dafür sorgt, dass jeder die Veranstaltung genießt.

Configure your personalised hybrid event

Or let's have a quick call together

We are also happy to advise you by email

We have a vision that we want to bring to life together with you. Whether you are planning a corporate event, a wedding or a hybrid event, our team cannot wait to make your event unforgettable.